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What Kind of Rollup is Morph?

Morph uses a hybrid rollup model called "Optimistic zkEVM & RVP." This combines the strengths of both zkRollups and Optimistic Rollups, optimizing for efficiency, cost, and speed. This unique approach places Morph at the cutting edge of rollup technology.

What Sets Morph Apart from Other Rollups?

Morph stands out with its innovative features:

State Verification: The Optimistic zkEVM & RVP method enhances efficiency by combining zkRollups and Optimistic Rollups.

Efficiency and Cost Reduction: Morph ensures fast transaction execution and cost-effectiveness while maintaining decentralization.

Decentralized Sequencer Network: This pioneering network setup addresses security concerns and ensures robustness at a Layer 1 level.

Modular Architecture: Morph’s adaptable and composable architecture fosters a flexible and interactive ecosystem.

As a Solidity Developer, Will I Notice Differences Deploying on Morph Compared to Ethereum?

Deploying on Morph is very similar to deploying on Ethereum, thanks to its EVM compatibility. Ethereum applications can be migrated to Morph with minimal adjustments. For more detailed guidance, check out the Development Guides section.