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@morph-l2/sdk / getOEContract

Function: getOEContract()

getOEContract(contractName, l2ChainId, opts): Contract

Returns an ethers.Contract object for the given name, connected to the appropriate address for the given L2 chain ID. Users can also provide a custom address to connect the contract to instead. If the chain ID is not known then the user MUST provide a custom address or this function will throw an error.


contractName: "L1MessageQueueWithGasPriceOracle" | "L1GatewayRouter" | "L2GatewayRouter" | "MorphStandardERC20" | "L2WETH" | "L1WETHGateway" | "L2WETHGateway" | "L2ToL1MessagePasser" | "Sequencer" | "Gov" | "L2ETHGateway" | "L2CrossDomainMessenger" | "L2StandardERC20Gateway" | "L2ERC721Gateway" | "L2TxFeeVault" | "L2ERC1155Gateway" | "MorphStandardERC20Factory" | "GasPriceOracle" | "WrappedEther" | "MorphToken" | "L1CrossDomainMessenger" | "Staking" | "Rollup" | "L1ETHGateway" | "L1StandardERC20Gateway" | "L1ERC721Gateway" | "L1ERC1155Gateway" | "EnforcedTxGateway" | "WETH"

Name of the contract to connect to.

l2ChainId: number

Chain ID for the L2 network.

opts= {}

Additional options for connecting to the contract.

opts.address?: AddressLike

Custom address to connect to the contract.

opts.signerOrProvider?: Provider | Signer

Signer or provider to connect to the contract.



An ethers.Contract object connected to the appropriate address and interface.

