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Prune State

The performance of a full node will degrade when the storage size reaches a high volume. We suggest that the fullnode always keep light storage by pruning the storage.

How to Prune

  1. Stop the node, including the consensus client(morphnode) and the execution client(geth)
  2. Run nohup geth snapshot prune-zk-state --datadir "$GETH_DB_DIR" > prune.log &. It will take 5~7 hours to finish.
  3. Start the node once it is done.

The hardware is important, make sure the SSD meets: solid-state drive(SSD), 8k IOPS, 500 MB/S throughput, read latency < 1ms.


To prune a Geth node at least 200 GB of free disk space is recommended. This means pruning cannot be used to save a hard drive that has been completely filled. A good rule of thumb is to prune before the node fills ~80% of the available disk space.