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Deploy Contracts on Morph

The Morph Holesky Testnet allows anyone to deploy a smart contract on Morph. In this tutorial, you will learn how to deploy a contract on Morph Holesky using common tools for developing on Ethereum.

This demo repo illustrates contract deployment with Hardhat and Foundry.


Before you start deploying the contract, you need to request test tokens from a Holesky faucet and use the bridge to transfer some test ETH from Holesky to Morph Holesky.

See our Faucet for details.

Deploy contracts with Hardhat

  1. If you haven't already, install nodejs and yarn.

  2. Clone the repo and install dependencies:

    git clone
    cd contract-deploy-demo
    yarn install
  3. Create a .env file following the example .env.example in the root directory. Change PRIVATE_KEY to your own account private key in the .env.

  4. Run yarn compile to compile the contract.

  5. Run yarn deploy:morphTestnet to deploy the contract on the Morph Holesky Testnet.

  6. Run yarn test for hardhat tests.

Deploy contracts with Foundry

  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone
    cd contract-deploy-demo
  2. Install Foundry:

    curl -L | bash
  3. Run forge build to build the project.

  4. Deploy your contract with Foundry:

    forge create --rpc-url \
    --value <lock_amount> \
    --constructor-args <unlock_time> \
    --private-key <private_key> \
    --legacy contracts/Lock.sol:Lock
    • <lock_amount> is the amount of test ETH to be locked in the contract. Try setting this to some small amount, like 0.0000001ether;
    • <unlock_time> is the Unix timestamp after which the funds locked in the contract will become available for withdrawal. Try setting this to some Unix timestamp in the future, like 1714492800 (this Unix timestamp corresponds to May 1, 2024).

    For example:

    forge create --rpc-url \
    --value 0.0000001ether \
    --constructor-args 1714492800 \
    --private-key a123q123q233q231q231q2q1223q23q11q33q113qq31q31231 \
    --legacy contracts/Lock.sol:Lock

    Once successed, you will see the following message:

    Deployer: <Your address>
    Deployed to: <Your contract address>
    Transaction hash: <The deploy transaction hash>

Questions and Feedback

Thank you for participating in and developing on the Morph Holesky Testnet! If you encounter any issues, join our Discord and find us at #dev-help channel.